SMS: Spares Management Software

"How many critical spares should be stocked?"



Spare parts management                                                                          

A critical issue in spares management is to establish an appropriate level for insurance of an emergency spare whenever a critical long-life component fails.


The question to be addressed is:

"How many critical spares should be stocked?"


Purpose :                                                                                                                                                                                                             

-       to predict the level of Spare Parts required to be kept in stock in order to maintain operations, production, revenue and profit or mission readiness where the Spare Parts failure is unpredictable

-         to provide the basis for measuring the costs of maintaining the required Spare Parts

-         to show the average arrival rate in the repair shop and the average turnaround repair rate required to maintain   the required availability

-         to provide options for optimizing Spare Parts requirements based on:

·        overall probability of Spare Parts availability during the planning period
·        specific probability of Spare Parts availability at any time a stores issue is required
·        minimizing cost
·        production line availability 

-         to determine the period for which operations can be supported given a specific level of Spare Parts



1.      where there is a random Spare Parts failure rate, SMS predicts the level of Spare Parts required to maintain operations, production, revenue and profit or mission readiness

2.      prompts the user to stock the level of Spare Parts that allows him to balance continued production with cost of spares

3.      optimizes level of Spare Parts based on the user defined criteria of availability or cost

4.      allows for separate calculations for repairable and non-repairable Spare Parts

5.      shows how long a given level of Spare Parts will support continued operations

6.      easy to use data entry screens requires little training             

7.      easy to read reports shows results at a glance

8.      shows the cost and availability impact of varying levels of Spare Parts

9.      provides cost and availability results of varying repair times

10. “what if” model provides for variances in planning period, number of items in stock, replacement period



1.      Navy program: SMS calculation showed the period of support based on the current level of spares to be less than one year.

2.      Mining Operation: haul truck power trains - for ready to issue availability of 95%, 14 Spare Parts were required in stock; optimizing for minimum cost reduces this to 6.

3.      Mining Operation: conveyor motors – to optimize for minimum cost 6 spares are needed; but to achieve 95% conveyor line reliability, no spares are required.