By Murray Wiseman,
Optimal Maintenance Decisions Inc.
When attempting to maintain a large industrial
facility we face a complex challenge. We search yet rarely discover a single
silver bullet capable of subduing the beast. The fiend has a hundred thousand
spikes with which to retaliate. Tens of thousands of failure modes stalk our
physical assets. To win against so tenacious a foe we require no less than a
disciplined and fully developed military-like strategy. Know thy enemy - his
relentless patience, his cunning, and his ability to call upon every law of
physics to ambush our plans and attack our profit margin.
The unobtrusive name "Reliability Centered
Maintenance" or RCM provides hardly a hint of its power to enable an
organization to attain its maintenance objectives. Those maintenance
professionals who have not yet wielded that power, easily recline to the
position that considers RCM yet another of many maintenance philosophies. They
are dangerously mistaken and in peril of allowing months and years to slide by
before the inevitable realization that will drive them to embrace RCM in their
own organizations.
RCM is a fundamental technology whose practice
exposes the basic principles governing harmonious long-term human-machine
interaction. Yet its hidden strength can be easily missed in a cursory reading
of the textbooks on the subject.
OMDEC intelligently packages the required
training and tools that an organization needs before it can deliver the logical
set of maintenance tasks to accomplish its corporate mission. One may, using
RCM worksheet documents, easily trace each task executed within the RCM
developed maintenance program to a particular failure mode, its effects and its
consequences in order to ascertain that the right job is to be performed.
RCM thinking, though absolutely scientific and
logical, is in many critical respects, counter-intuitive. Therefore maintenance
professionals, tradesmen, and managers, in order to benefit, must shed their
long held views and habitual reactions regarding maintenance. They accomplish
this difficult feat through phased education and precisely managed training.
RCM education uncovers the realization that the right maintenance activity
addresses the preservation of function. An obvious proclamation, yet, to his
astonishment, the maintenance professional discovers that the functions of the
machinery under his control were inadequately or incompletely identified.
Consequently the failures of those functions and their causes have by-in-large
escaped his conscious effort to deal with them. That reality has excluded him
from transacting directly in the currency of maintenance - the failure mode,
the cause of a specific failed state.
RCM transports our attention to previously ignored functions,
their functional failures, and their failure modes. Then it reconstructs our
entire philosophical framework using a precise language and methodology of
logical inference. Old practices, familiar experiences and intuitive notions
begin to coalesce around this new skeleton and the eminent appropriateness of
RCM to our own situation dawns upon us. The education of RCM is an experience
of self-discovery.
The astonishing power of RCM lies in its
ability to unleash previously unused strata of intelligence and unravel the
combined knowledge of years of observation by operating and maintaining staff.
The vehicle for accomplishing the miracle, the facilitated review group,
is formed around a master plan aimed at a set of specific corporate improvement
RCM illuminates maintenance concepts and principles that,
heretofore, have been relegated to the back of the drawer. With RCM one
revisits the idea of equipment lifetime. A landmark study by Nowlan and
Heap (Ref. 2) revealed that every component has one or more failure modes each
of which exhibit 1 of six distinct patterns of failure (Fig 1).
The most revealing way of looking at equipment lifetime is to
plot a (random) variable known as the conditional probability of failure
(called H in Fig. 1, see also the article Time to Failure). The conditional
probability of failure is the probability that a failure will occur in an
upcoming short interval of time, given that failure has not occurred
previously. The maintenance planner or manager has a decision to make at any
given time - whether to preventively intervene and renew an asset or to leave
it alone until the next (relatively short) interval has elapsed. Both the
gravity of the possible consequences of failure and the conditional probability
of failure, H, constitute the two overriding factors to be considered for the
The conditional probability of failure and the 6 patterns of failure discovered by Nowlan and Heap
make the notion of 'useful life' glaringly apparent.
Figure 1: The six patterns of failureThe six patterns of failure
The latter three (patterns D, E, and F) of the six patterns show
that the component (with a single dominant failure mode) is no more likely to
fail at a later time than at the current time. Components governed by these
failure patterns have no defined "useful life". Hence preventively
renewing or restoring such a component is unproductive. And in the case of
failure pattern F a maintenance intervention is counter-productive, actually
introducing a higher risk of failure (i.e. 'infant mortality' resulting from
installation errors or material defects).
By driving the analysis down to the failure mode level, RCM
takes unique advantage of the 6 distinct patterns of risk behavior. By doing so
it channels maintenance effort to where it will do the most good. A centrifugal
pump, for example, may fail due to one of several causes (modes). The mode
"impeller wear", however, adheres undeniably to failure pattern B (Fig. 1) because it
experiences a long running period during which the risk of failure is
relatively small followed by a short period (known as wear out) where the
probability of failure increases exponentially with age. Knowledge of the
failure pattern is of immense help in the next logical step in determining a
maintenance tactic. Knowing the failure pattern (one of A to F), one proceeds
to select a maintenance task (preferably a condition monitoring task if one can
be found which is both technically feasible and worthwhile, or an age based
renewal in the case of failure pattern B) or an operational or physical
modification that will eliminate, reduce, or otherwise mitigate the
consequences emanating from that failure mode.
Failure mode oriented maintenance management contrasts strikingly with the usual, more intuitive practice of
considering each component and attempting to arrive at a single appropriate
proactive maintenance task - an impossibility given that a single unit under
analysis suffers from several functional failures each in turn responding to
several failure modes each with its own failure pattern. Hence the diametric
shift in viewpoint - from component to function. As an example, one of the
functions of a rail car suspension system is to isolate riders from impacts due
to track irregularities while another is to minimize oscillations following
such impacts. A variety of components contribute to one or both of these
functions and a failure of either can be caused by particular combinations of
events in one or more components (oil leak in a horizontal or vertical damper,
a loosened damper mounting bolt, or a damper one-way valve failed open).
Without doubt, starting the RCM process with a functional analysis encourages
the analysts to consider all of the ways (failed states) that each function can
fail to perform as required.
Working from this new perspective one moves systematically from
function to failed state to failure mode. After resolving the first failure
mode one then proceeds to a second that may exhibit an entirely different
failure pattern. It may, indeed provoke entirely different effects and thereby
engender entirely different consequences. Clearly, by basing our approach on
failure modes derived from failure states and functions rather than on the
component, one may systematically construct a comprehensive and defensible
maintenance policy for handling each failure mode. When all the reasonably
likely failure modes are thus dealt with, the asset management plan is
In the world of RCM, a "comprehensive failure
management policy" is developed first by systematically asking what the
consequences of each failure mode are likely to be. The next steps are to
determine what tasks could be done to anticipate, prevent (or in some cases,
detect) each failure mode from a purely technical viewpoint, and then to ask
whether each technically feasible task is able to reduce the consequences of
the failure to an extent that makes the task worth doing. If a task cannot be
found that is both technically feasible and worth doing, the final step is to
determine what other "default" action (if any) should be taken to
deal with the failure mode. Default actions usually consist of redesign or
changes to operating procedures.
Figure 2: The RCM review group (Ref 1)
The RCM process lives or dies within the
structure of "facilitated review group" meetings first advocated by
Moubray in 1986 (Ref. 3). An unguided or misguided RCM project can drown in a
thousand ways. If we neglect to expose all the functions of a complex system,
if we fail to identify all the possible failed states for each function, if we
do not pin down the reasonably likely causes or modes of each failed state, we
will lose the helm and any hope of arriving at the appropriate failure
management policy. Traps await us at each curve and bend of the typical RCM
analysis. The RCM review group facilitator holds the map by which to
circumnavigate the obstacles that would otherwise stall or even halt our
Successful completion of an RCM analysis delivers a logical, rational, and defensible set of proactive
and reactive maintenance tasks as well as appropriate design and procedural
modifications. That desired result depends entirely upon the synergistic
interaction of review group members. The qualified RCM facilitator effects and
sustains constructive interplay among group members, heading off negative
forces while guiding them past blind alleys and time killing forays into fruitless
detail. The trained facilitator recognizes when emotional attachments to past
viewpoints impede progress. He or she acts quickly and sensitively to such
situations. The qualified facilitator knows when to intercede and when to
retreat into the background while the group experience flushes out the
technical details that the RCM process requires.
You should cultivate RCM facilitators from within your organization. The RCM program sponsor must ensure that RCM facilitators are
properly selected, adequately trained, and mentored during their maiden review
group sessions. Moubray (Ref 1) has identified 45 distinct skills that an RCM
facilitator needs to acquire before he or she can be relied upon to conduct a
safe and defensible RCM analysis. No facilitator should be left on their own to
lead the application of RCM until he or she has been brought to an adequate
level of competence in all 45 of these skill areas by a suitably qualified
Once you have arranged for your facilitators to be trained, you need
to plan, resource, schedule, and execute the RCM analyses review group
meetings. Except for the facilitator, individual review group members only need
devote a few man-days to each RCM analysis, either all at once or spread over a
few weeks. This minimizes organizational disruptions. Within weeks or months of
implementing RCM you should begin to realize tangible benefits, sometimes
justifying the entire cost of the RCM program even before the RCM
recommendations are actually implemented. The latter occurs often as a direct
result of revelations within the review group meetings leading to the
elimination of some chronic problem which had never before been so
fundamentally addressed.
RCM analysis on a company wide basis delivers not only a maintenance management policy which aptly targets
corporate objectives, but equally important, a policy that is owned by the very
people most directly responsible for the effectiveness of all physical assets -
the maintainers and the operators.
Do you have any comments on this article? If so, send them to
[Murray Wiseman is an Aladon trained RCM practitioner, an
associate researcher in the Condition Based Maintenance Laboratory at the
University of Toronto, and technology director at OMDEC Inc.
specializing in maintenance optimization and reliability management.]
1. Reliability-centred Maintenance, John
Moubray, 2nd edition Butterworth Heinemann
2. Reliability-centered Maintenance, Nowlan
FS and Heap H, Springfield, Virginia. National Technical Information Service,
United States Department of Commerce
3. Reliability-centred maintenance, A
Conference on Condition Monitoring, Gol, Norway, 2-4, November 1987